Monday, 27 June 2016

Gospel: Matthew 8:23-27: He stood up and rebuked the winds and the sea; all was calm again.

Jesus Calms a Storm: Conquering Fear and Nature, 8:23-27
Jesus proved again that He is the Messiah! The purpose of this event is given in v.27. calming the storm did three things.
1. It demonstrated who He is: The Sovereign Lord who has all power-even power over nature.
2. It strengthened the belief of His followers: belief in Him as the Messiah and in His personal care as their Saviour.
3. It gave to all generations a picture of His care and power-His care and power to deliver through all the storms of life (trails and fearful experiences).
It does not matter what the storm or trail is nor how terrifying it may be, Christ is able to deliver and bring about the most assuring calm. In this experience, God demonstrated His wonderful care and power to deliver believers through the storms of life.
1. A basic fact: True disciples follow Him no matter what (v.23)
2. A fearful experience: A great storm arose (v.24)
3. A terrifying discovery: Man is not able to handle the situation (v.24)
4. A desperate approach: Lord, wake-save us (v.25)
5. A challenging question (v.26)
a. Why are you so afraid?
b. Why so little faith?
6. A strong, powerful deliverance: A great calm (v.26)
7. A marvellous purpose (v.27)
a. To prove who He is
b. To strengthen faith
c. To demonstrate His care for all
Thought: How many are willing to follow Jesus regardless of circumstances, cost and the sacrifice demanded?
Jesus Christ can calm any storm of life for us and He can strengthen us to go through any storm of life (2Cor 1:3-4; Phil 1:29; 1Pet 4:12-13).

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