Sunday, 30 July 2017

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time-A

I Reading: Isaiah 55:1-3: Come and eat.
II Reading: Romans 8:35.37-39: No created thing can ever come between us and the love of God made visible in Christ.
Gospel: Matthew 14:13-21: Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said the blessing. He handed the loaves to his disciples who gave them to the crowds. They all ate as much as they wanted.
The Messiah’s Power to Feed Five Thousand: The Essentials for Ministry
What Jesus said is profound: “Bring them (your human resources) here to me” (v.18). what would happen if people would bring their human resources to Christ? The resources would become wonderfully multiplied, and the world’s needs would be met.
1. Essential 1: Seeing people and having compassion (v.15)
a. Christ’s example, v. 14
          1) Seeing the crowds
          2) Feeling compassion
b. The disciples concern: only human concern
2. Essential 2: Accepting one’s duty to minister (v.16-17)
a. Christ’s charge: Give
b. The disciples’ humanism: resources are inadequate
3. Essential 3: Trusting Christ to use one’s resources (v.18-21)
a. The disciples’ duty: To bring the resources to Christ
b. Jesus’ example
          1) Taking resources
          2) Thanking God
          3) Using resources
c. The disciples part
1) To share
2) To save and be thrifty
3) To observe and witness Christ’s power, His Messiahship
Thought: The command of Christ is to everyone: “Give.”

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