Monday, 1 January 2018

5 January
I. Reading: 1John 3:11-21: We have passed out of death and into life because we love our brothers.
Gospel: John 1:43-51: You are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.
Jesus the One Prophesied: The Witness of Philip (Jn 1:43-45)

Philip’s discovery and witness of Jesus Christ was unmistakable. Jesus was the One prophesied in Scripture; He was the promised Messiah.
1.    Philip’s experience (v.43-44)
a.    He was sought by Jesus personally
b.    He was called by Jesus personally
c.     The reason: Philip knew Andrew and Peter
2.    Philip’s first concern: Nathanael (v.45)
3.    Philip’s conviction: Jesus was the one prophesied (v.45)

Jesus the Son of God, the King of Israel: The Witness of Nathanael (1:46-49)

Nathanael’s confrontation with Jesus was dramatic. Nathanael was a man of prejudice and strong feelings. Yet he knew despair and hopelessness; therefore, he was difficult to lead to Christ. However, despite all, his friend Philip persisted and refused to give up in witnessing to him. As a result, Nathanael was won to Christ.
1.    Nathanael’s experience (v.46)
a.    A man of despair and prejudice
b.    Invited to follow Jesus despite prejudice
2.    Nathanael’s confrontation with Jesus (v.47-48)
a.    Jesus knew him: his belief and character
b.    Jesus knew his innermost being-all things about him
3.    Nathanael’s conviction: Jesus was the Son of God (v.49)

Jesus the Son of God, God’s Mediator: The Witness of Jesus himself (1:50-51)
Jesus bore witness to himself. He clearly declared who he was.
1.    Nathanael’s experience (v.46-49)
2.    The revelation of God, the One who reveals greater things (v.50): Jesus was the revelation of God.
3.    The Mediator (v.51): Jesus is the Mediator between God and people.
4.    The Son of God (v.51): Jesus Christ is the Ideal man (cf. Mt 1:16; Jn 1:14; Col 2:9-10; Heb 1:3): the representative man, the perfect man, the pattern, the embodiment of everything a man ought to be in God’s plan for world history. (cf. Daniel 7:13-14; 1Cor 15:45-47)

Thought: A man or woman can approach God and enter heaven through Christ (Jn 14:6)

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