Sunday, 14 January 2018

Thursday: 2nd Week in Ordinary Time-B
I Reading:
Cycle I- Hebrews 7:25-8:6: He offered sacrifices by offering himself once and for all.
Cycle II- 1Samuel 18:6-9; 19:1-7: My father Saul is looking for you a way to kill you.
Gospel: Mark 3:7-12: The unclean spirits would shout, “You are the Son of God.” But he warned them strongly not to make him known.
Jesus’ Impact upon Crowds and Evil Spirits:
Seeking and Fearing Christ

Jesus’ impact upon people was unbelievable. In just a few months, the whole nation was aroused to seek after the One called Jesus of Nazareth, the promised Messiah. Jesus fed the five thousand men, not counting women and children, so a large crowd is following Him from all over the places. The multitudes did what we so desperately need to do; the truly sought Him, even to the point of crowding Him and pushing forward to touch Him and crushing in upon Him.
Jesus’ impact upon evil spirits was just as dramatic. They were stricken to bow before him and to acknowledge his Messiahship-two acts that desperately need to be done by people.

1.    Jesus withdrew (v.7)
2.    His impact upon people (v.7-10)
a.    Large crowd followed him:
i.                They came from near and far
ii.              The reason: they heard what great things he did
b.    Crowds crushed him
i.                Endangered his life
ii.              Sought to touch him
3.    His impact upon evil spirits: A terrible fear (v.11-12)
a.    They were subject to him
b.    They acknowledged his Messiahship
c.     He rebuked the evil spirit’s confession: because the confession Christ wants is the confession of a broken and contrite heart, a changed and repentant life.

Thought: People desperately need the power, the saving strength of Jesus. Every evil spirit, every evil person needs to fall down before Christ with great faith, hope and love in Jesus.
How many are flocking to Jesus and following Him if we are more faithful in sharing the glorious salvation in Him?

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