Sunday, 11 February 2018

Monday: 6th Week in Ordinary Time-B
I Reading: James: 1:1-11: Your faith is only put to the test to make your patient so that you will become fully developed, complete.
Gospel: Mark 8:11-13: Why does this demand a sign?

The Fault of the Spiritually Blind (Mark 8: 10-13)

Spiritual blindness is a problem for every generation. Most men are spiritually blind (2Cor 4:4). They are blind to the “signs,” to the presence, mercy, care and gifts of God to people. God is easily seen by people who openly and honestly seek the truth. He is seen in the world and happenings of life, in the merciful actions that often occur in life, in the care and love often experienced, and in the gifts of goodness to help a person get along in an antagonistic world. Yet, so few look for God and give thanks to Him for all He is and hoes. Man/woman chooses rather to reject a personal God and attribute the happenings and things of life to his own efforts (humanism). Why? There is one reason: if man/woman acknowledges a personal God, he/she has to surrender his/her life to that God. Therefore, man/woman challenges: “If there be a God, prove yourself, show yourself, and give us a sign.” And all the while he/she expects no sign, and even if he saw one, he/she would deny it-all because he/she is spiritually blind to the truth.
What Jesus does in this passage is discuss the faults of the spiritually blind who wants more signs.

1.    Jesus crossed the lake (v.10-11)
a.    He entered Dalmanutha
b.    Religionists confronted
2.    They sought a sign (11)
a.    They were blind to his works
b.    Motive: to trick Him
3.    They grieved the Lord (12)
4.    They received no sign from the Lord (12)
5.    They were left behind by the Lord (13)

Thought: There have always been unbelievers even among the religious and political leaders.Unbelievers do not receive signs-not from the Lord. But believers do receive signs, the signs of having their needs met.

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