Sunday, 18 February 2018

I Reading: 4:17: I have no helper but you.
Gospel: Matthew 7:7-12: The one who always receives.

The Key to Prayer: Persevering in Prayer, Mt 7:7-11

“Ask”: the Lord commands and challenges us to persevering in prayer.
1.    What is persevering prayer (v.7)?
a.    Ask- until you receive
b.    Seek- until you find
c.     Knock- it is opened
2.    Why persevere in prayer (v.8-10)?
a.    Prayer is conditional: Must ASK-SEEK- KNOCK
b.    Everyone is heard
c.     God cares much more than an earthly father
3.    How does a person persevere in prayer (v.11)?
a.    He/she must come to God as his/her Father
b.    He/she must come asking for good things

Thought: Failing to persevere in prayer shame God and ourselves. True prayer is persevering prayer. Our genuineness and sincerity are known how much we persevere in prayer.
The Summit of Ethics: The Golden Rule & Two Choices in Life, Mt 7:12-14

This Scripture contains two of the most well-known things Jesus ever said. They deal with two of the basic issues of life.
i.                There is the issue of righteousness. How can a person live righteously, that is, have a right relationship with his neighbour?
ii.              There is the issue of life. How can a person be sure he/she has life, real life?
1.    The golden rule of life (v.12)
a.    Demands true justice
b.    Includes real love
c.     Teaches the whole law
2.    The two choices in life (v.13-14)
a.    Two gates: wide vs. narrow
b.    Two ways: easy vs. hard
c.     Two ends: destruction and life
d.    Two travellers: the wise and unwise
e.     Two decisions: no effort vs. seeking to find

Thought: Two simple rules can revolutionize a person’s life or a society itself.
i.                Treating God as we want God to treat us.
ii.              Treating others as we want others to treat us.

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