Monday, 13 August 2018

Tuesday: 19th Week in Ordinary Time-A
I Reading: Ezekiel 2:8-3:4: He gave me the scroll to eat, and it tasted sweet as honey.
Gospel: Matthew 18:1-5.10.12-14: See that you never despise any of these little ones.
The Conditions for Greatness, Mt 18:1-4
The disciples argued over who should hold the highest positions in the kingdom of God. This conflict arose on several occasions (Mt 20:20-28; Mk 9:33-37; Lk 22:24-30). Their desire was for recognition and honour in an earthly kingdom. Jesus had to re-educate their thinking.  The disciples struggle for position and power should not surprise us, for all people have the same needs for some authority, position, money, prestige, recognition etc. There is nothing wrong to have such things but there should not be any selfishness, injustice, corruption, violence, killings, pride, lustful, envious, hurtful etc. Now Jesus re-educate his disciples and people in their concept of greatness.
1. Two assumptions (v.1-2)
a. A person is great if he is in the kingdom
b. There are degree of greatness
c. Jesus gave a living demonstration: like a child
2. Condition 1: Conversion, change (v.3)
a. How: By turning and becoming as a child
b. Why: Non-conversion brings rejection
3. Condition 2: Humility (v.4)
a. How: Live as a child
b. Result: Will be the greatest in heaven
The Parable of the Lost Sheep: The Supreme Example of Caring, 18:12-14
This is one of the most famous parables shared by Jesus-the parable of “The Lost Sheep” or the parable of “The Seeking Shepherd.” This holds a great message for both the believers and unbelievers, and Jesus applies it to both. The words “little ones” refer to genuine Christian believers and the word “lost” refers to the unsaved person (Mt 18:5-10). On this particular occasion Jesus was speaking to his disciples (Mt 18:1). In Luke Jesus shared the same parable with a different audience and directed it more toward the lost.
The one who strays and the one who is lost are always with us (Mt 18:14).
1. Jesus came to save the lost (v.11)
2. Jesus seeks every single one that is lost (v.12)
a. The sheep wandered away
b. The sheep was sought: by the shepherd
c. The sheep was sought: in the mountains
3. Jesus may or may not find the lost one (v.13)
4. Jesus forgives and rejoices over the recovered one (v.13)
5. God wills that not a single one be lost (v.14)
Thought: God cares for every single person. What a contrast with our lack of concern when just one or two wander off. What a lesson for us! The concern of God for a single soul!

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