Monday, 27 August 2018

Wednesday: 21st Week in Ordinary Time-B
I Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13: Slaving night and day, we were proclaiming the Good News to you.
Gospel: Matthew 23:27-32: You are the sons of those who murdered the prophets.
The Eight Accusations against False Religionists, Mt 23:13-36
Jesus attacked and denounced the false religionists frankly and openly. He exposed their hypocrisy and inner hearts and minds which were corrupted and doomed to hell. Jesus levelled eight accusations against the religionists.
1. False religionists disguise inner decay (v.27-28)
a. Illustration: They are like white tombs
          1) Outward: appear clean and beautiful
          2) Inward: full of death and uncleanness
b. Their wrong
          1) Outward: appear righteous
          2) Inward: full of hypocrisy and wickedness
2. False religionists pride themselves in a godly heritage (v.29-33)
a. Honour the relics of the past
b. Denounce the former abuses
c. Pride themselves in being better: would not have committed such sins
d. Testify against themselves (by rejecting Christ)
          1) Show themselves to be descendants of murderers
          2) Fill up the father’s cup of murder
e. Result: have become snakes, vipers-doomed to hell
Thought: False religion is the most beautiful and deadly tomb among people. It leads to the eternal death of people’s spirits. God shall judge the sinful hearts those who reject the prophets and the teachings of God.

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