Saturday 6 July 2024


The Rejection of Jesus’ Authority:

Why Jesus is Rejected, Mk 6:1-6

I Reading: Ezekiel 2:2-52: Ezekiel the prophet will speak God’s word to the people even if they refuse to listen.

II Reading: 1Cor 12:7-10: Paul boasts of his weakness, for God can still work through him.

Gospel: Mark 6:1-6: Jesus, despite his wisdom, is rejected in his home town; for that is how prophets are treated.

There are different kinds of people in the world. We can divide into two groups. The first group of people-believers, God fearing, good, righteous, humble and obedient people. The second type of people are known as the unbeliever, proud, greedy, jealousy, envy, disobedient and evil ones.

We can ask two questions in today’s Gospel reading:

Who have accepted Jesus as their Messiah, Son of God,  Lord and Saviour? Who have not accepted Jesus in their lives in the Scriptures?

The shepherds, the wise men from the east (Magi), the Samaritan woman, the sinful woman-Mary Magdalene, the illiterate disciples, Zachaeus- the sinner, Matthew the tax collector, good thief on the right side of Jesus, the soldier and the gentiles accepted Jesus. Whereas, Herod, the scribes, Pharisees and the chief priest, evil ones and many others rejected Jesus.

The Israelites in exile rejected the message God gave them through Ezekiel. The people of Nazareth rejected Jesus and his message.

Jesus’ hometown was harsh with him. Most of his neighbours could never accept the fact that he was the Messiah, the Son of God. There were some who were envious and jealous of the prominence and esteem he had achieved. Their unacceptance, unbelief, and rumours led them to do some terrible things on Jesus.

·       Some in the city tried to kill him.

·       Some considered him mad or insane.

·       Even people considered him the illegitimate son of Joseph.

·       Even his family members rejected.

1.    Jesus was in his home town, Nazareth (v.1-2)

a.    He entered the synagogue

b.    He taught:  the people were amazed

2.    Some questioned his source of authority (v.2-3)

a.    He lacked proper credentials and education

b.    He was from human and humble beginnings

3.    Some were offended by him: they thought of him only as one of their own (3-4)

a.    People knew about the human flesh of Jesus but not the divine nature of Jesus

4.    Some blocked God’s power (v.5)

5.    Some were gripped with unbelief-shocking so (v.6)

Thought: To follow Jesus faithfully we need a strength which only God can give. A person’s unbelief blocks the power of God to perform miracles in life.

“My grace is enough for you; my power is greatest when you are weak.” (2Cor 13:9)

Jesus calls everyone to follow him. The people of Nazareth said “no” to Jesus but let us say “yes” to Jesus day after day in our life.



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