Saturday 13 July 2024



Gospel: Mark: 6:7-13: The Sending Out of the Disciples

I Reading: Amos 7:12-15: Amos is not a religious careerist. He is answering God’s command. He lived in the middle of the eighth century B.C. was the first canonical prophet and came from Judah (capital-Jerusalem) to preach at Bethel (Amaziah-priest-maintained by the king of Israel-Israel-capital- Samaria).

II Reading: Eph 1:3-14: With great eloquence Paul describes the blessings God has showered on us. God’s plan for us in Christ.

Gospel: Mark 6:7-13: The mission to go out and preach the Good News is a two-way street. Go out to people with Good News and people will receive you.

Mark: 6:7-13: The Sending Out of the Disciples

Jesus’ first call to his disciples “Come” and “Follow me”. Now they must “Go” out. Jesus called/chose/appointed the twelve from many and instructed them and gave them power and authority and sent them out to continue his mission to preach the Good News to the people and to heal the sick.

Every man has to be equipped before he goes forth, no matter the project or endeavour. To great degree success depends upon how well equipped a man is. This is certainly true of men in the business world. It is also true God’s servants and disciples. They must be equipped by God as they go forth to carry on their ministry for the Lord.

1.    The disciples were equipped (v.7)

a.    Were called to him to be with him, to be sent with authority over unclean spirits or to cast out demons or evils (Mk 3:13-19)

b.    They were sent out by two by two: for the support and encouragement among them while doing the mission of Jesus especially during the time of sufferings and persecutions.

c.     They were given authority: over unclean spirit or devil or demon.

2.    The disciples were instructed (v.8-13)

a.    Were to live in utter simplicity and humility

b.    Were to show stability and settledness

c.     Were to reject any who were not hospitable and receptive

1)    The reason: as a warning

2)    The judgement: terrible

d.    Were to preach repentance

e.     Were to minister to the demon-possessed and the sick

f.      Were to anoint the sick with oil; oil is the symbol of out pouring of the Holy Spirit, God’s presence, love, joy and mercy of God or a medicine to give life to live

Thought: The disciples continued the three folds ministry of Jesus Christ.

1.    The preaching ministry to proclaim the Good News of Jesus and to establish the kingdom of God

2.    The teaching ministry is about the Christ, Messiah alone

3.    The healing ministry is to heal the sick and suffering and to cast out demons or evil spirits


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