Sunday 6 October 2024



Gospel: Mark 10:2-16: What God has united, must not divide.

I Reading: Genesis 2:18-24: They become one body.

II Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11: The one who sanctifies, and the one who are sanctified, are of the same stock.

The Problem of Divorce, Mk 10:1-12

Marriage and divorce are always burning questions, extremely controversial within societies heavily influenced by Christian teaching. Jesus gave a complete exposition on marriage and divorce; latter says He gave them guidelines. There is no divorce at all but an annulment of the marriage and separation of the couples are there due to hardness of their hearts and some serious reasons according to the teachings and doctrines of the Church. In Jesus’ day the two schools of thought were the Shammai School (conservative) and the Hillel School (liberal). (Mt. 19:1-12; 5:31-32; 1Cor 7:1-16; Eph 5:22-33; Dt 24:1).

1. Jesus began to minister in Judea (v.1-4)

a. The crowds gathered, and Jesus taught

b. The Pharisees gathered and asked a trick question: Is divorce legal?

          1) Jesus asked what their law said

          2) The Pharisees replied: The law grants divorce

2. Jesus saw divorce as hardness of heart (v.5)

3. Jesus saw marriage as God’s way-since creation (v.6)

4. Jesus saw marriage as the most precious bond that cleaves or unites (v.7)

5. Jesus saw marriage as the closest of human bonds-as two becoming one flesh (v.8)

6. Jesus saw true marriage as a divine, spiritual bond wrought by God (v.9)

7. Jesus saw marriage and remarriage as adultery (v.10-12)

The Problem of Children and the Truth About Children, Mk 10:13-16

Note that this even with children followed right after the matter of divorce (Mt 19:13). The family as whole being discussed: the husband, wife and even children.

Children are a joy to the family and world. But tragically sometimes they are neglected, ignored, oppressed, and even abused. In this passage Jesus became violently angry, filled and moved with indignation. Jesus is the great defender of children and every man and woman must heed His words.

1. The problem with children (v.13)

a. Totally dependent

b. Cause frivolous pride

c. Interference with work

2. The truth about children (v.14-16)

a. They are invited to Jesus

b. They are citizens of God’s kingdom

c. They illustrate how one receives the kingdom

d. They are received and blessed by Jesus

e. They respond to Jesus

Thought: God created the human family out of His love to continue the work of God on this earth.

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