Sunday 6 October 2024



Gospel: Mark 10:17-30: Go and sell everything you own and follow me.

I Reading: Wisdom 7:7-11: Compared with wisdom, I held riches as nothing.

II Reading: Hebrews 4:12-13: The word of God can judge secret emotions and thoughts.

The Rich Young Ruler: The Problem of Eternal Life, Mk 10:17-22

This man is known as “the rich young ruler.” He is called because of the combined picture gleaned from all the three gospels.

·       He was rich (Mt 19:22; Mk 10:22; Lk 18:23).

·       He was young (Mt 19:20).

·       He was a ruler (Lk 18:18).

He was a rare young man among the people of his day. He was conscientious, responsible, dependable and placed into a position of leadership. He was eagerly seeking eternal life-a spiritual matter often shunned by young people.

The dominant theme of the young man’s experience is his sincerity, his desperate search for eternal life. Jesus takes the man’s desperation and shocks the world. Desperation, sincerity, eagerness and seeking eternal life are not enough. Man has a problem in seeking eternal life.

1. A rich young man sought Jesus (v.17)

a. Eagerness: ran

b. Humility: fell on knees

c. Respect: good teacher

d. Concern: eternity

2. Fact 1: To praise Jesus Christ is not enough to receive eternal life (v.18)

3. Fact 2: To be respectable is not enough to receive eternal life (v.19-20)

a. Laws of respectability

b. His respectable character

4. Fact 3: To be loved by Jesus is not enough to receive eternal life (v.21)

5. Fact 4: To give everything is required to receive eternal life (v.21-22)

a. The meaning: Total and sacrificial giving: the abandonment of all

b. The result: The requirement is sad news-he goes away

Thought: God expects us to work so that we can have enough to help others (Eph 4:28). We are to help as we are able, but we are to be honest about ability to help the needy and poor in the society. The young man did not believe heaven was glorious enough to merit the giving up of his possessions (Lk 9:23; 19:8).


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