Saturday, 5 July 2014


Gospel: Matthew 9:1-8: They praised God for giving such power to men.
I Reading: Amos 7:10-17: Go, prophesy to my people.
Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man: Forgiving Sin, 9:1-8
Jesus was deeply touched by men who diligently sought him and persevered in that diligence. These men could not reach Jesus because of the throng of people, but the friends would not give up. They removed the roof and lowered the sick man down to Christ (Mk 2:1-12).
This persistent act gave Christ the opportunity to show his love and power to forgive sins and to demonstrate that he was beyond question the Messiah.
1. Jesus left Gadara and entered His own city-Capernaum (v.1)
2. Jesus’ power to forgive sins was demonstrated (v.2)
a. The friend’s care: brought disabled friend to Jesus
b. The friends’ great faith
c. Jesus’ compassion: forgave the man’s sin
3. Jesus’ power to forgive sins was questioned: silently accused of blasphemy (v.3)
4. Jesus’ power to forgive sins was proven (v.4-7)
a. He revealed something: He knew their rejection
b. He suggested something: A test
c. He did something: He healed the man
d. He commanded something: Go
5. Jesus’ power to forgive sins brought glory to God (v.8)
Thought: All people are disabled and sick spiritually need Jesus’ healing touch. We cannot save our friends but only Jesus Christ can forgive people’s sins.

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