Monday, 21 July 2014

Tuesday: 16th Week in Ordinary Time-A
I Reading: Micah 7:14-15. 18-20: To the bottom of the sea throw all our sins.
Gospel: Matthew 12:46-50: Stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers.”
Messiah’s Answer to Doubting Relatives, 12:46-50
Mary was acting out of a mother’s love and a sense of responsibility for her son. Jesus taught about the true family of God doing the will of God than an earthly family with blood relationship.
1. He was misunderstood by His family (v.46-47)
          a) They “stood outside”: disturbed by His claims
          b) They try to interrupt His ministry
2. He proclaimed the existence of a unique family (v.48-50)
a. It is not based on blood relationships
b. It is based on discipleship
c. It is based on doing God’s Will
d. It is based on a heavenly, spiritual relationship with God as Father
Thought: The believer’s commitment to Christ is not for the purpose of minimizing the family but to give God His rightful place: supremacy over our lives. Christ sets the supreme example of loyalty to God and the family of God.

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