Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Wednesday: 17th Week in Ordinary Time-A

I Reading: Jeremiah 15:10.16-21: Why is my suffering continual? If you come back, I will take you back into my service.
Gospel: Matthew 13:44-46: He sells everything he owns and buys the field.

The Parable of the Hidden Treasure: Giving up all for Christ, 13:44

There are two interpretations of this parable.
1. Some say that Jesus Christ is the man (cp.24,37-38) and the treasure in the field represents potential believers who are in the world. In this interpretation, Jesus sees the treasure of people in the world, and seeing them he does four things:
a. He hides the Treasure (Jn 10:14-16,27-30)
b. He goes: He comes to the world (Lk 19:10, Jn 316-17; 10:10;18:37,1Tim1:15)
c. He sells all: He gives up heaven in all its glory and splendour (Lk 2:7;22:37; 2Cor 8:9; Phil 2:7-8)
d. He buys: He pays the ultimate price. He gives his life for the life of people (Rom 5:8; 1Cor 15:3-4; Gal 1:4; 1 Pet 2:24; 3:18)
e. He joys: He envisions the glorious day when all his treasure shall be possessed by him (Heb 12:2).
2. Others say the treasure is the gospel of Christ, the gospel of the Messiah who is ever so precious. A man sees the gospel, the saving message of Christ, as never before; that is, he understands the immense treasure of salvation.
a. He hides the treasure: he tucks it away in his heart, protecting it, not letting it loose. He seeks and continues to seek the truth of Christ.
b. He goes: approaches Jesus Christ and makes a decision.
c. He sells all: repents and turns from his former life to God.
d. He buys: commits all and gives all to possess the treasure of salvation.
e. He joys: experiences the completeness and satisfaction of the treasure and envisions and hopes for more and more, eternally.
Either interpretation fits what is said, and we are probably safe in saying that neither one exhausts the meaning.
The Parable of the Merchant Man and the Pearl of Great Price:
Giving up all for Christ, Mt 13:45-46
The point of this parable is the same as the Parable of the Hidden Treasure. Some say the merchant man is Jesus Christ. Some say the merchant man represents people who seek after truth (pearls).
1. He seeks pearls (v.45)
a. Seeks many pears
b. Seeks fine pearls
2. He finds a priceless pearl (v.46)
a. He goes
b. He sells all he has
c. He buys the pearls
Thought: People seek truth and life in such things as philosophy, science, technology, wealth, fame, sensation, art, music, literature and religion. But there is only one pearl that is priceless and worth more than the world itself-the pearl of Jesus Christ Himself (1Cor 2:3; 2:8-10). Acts 4:12; 1Cor 3:11; Phil 3:8; Col 1:19;2:3,10

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