Saturday, 17 November 2012


Gospel: Luke 18:35-43 : What do you want me to do for you?- Let me see again.

I Reading: Apocalypse 1:1-4.2:1-5: Think where you were before you fell, and repent.

The Healing of a Blind Beggar: Steps to Getting Help from God, Lk 18:35-43

The blind beggar demonstrated ever so clearly how people can get help from God.

1. Jesus approached Jericho (v.35)

2. A man had great need (v.35)

a. he was blind

b. he was poor

3. A man had great hope in Jesus (v.36-38)

a. he believed the reports he had heard about Jesus

b. he acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah

c. he cried for mercy

4. A man had a persistence in seeking Jesus that would not quit (v.39)

5. A man had boldness to ask great things of God (v.43)

a. Jesus stood still and called for him

b. The man expressed his longing

c. The man who saved by faith

6. The man had the appropriation to praise God (v.43)

Thought: Perseverance is the answer to being helped by God. God cannot turn a deaf ear to the persevering cry of a desperate need, not if the person cries and cries for help, never quitting. God has promised to hear and answer undying perseverance (Lk 11:8-13; 18:1-8).

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