Monday, 26 November 2012


Gospel: Luke 21:5-11: Not a single stone will be left on another.

I Reading: Apocalypse 14:14-19: Harvest time has come and the harvest of the earth is ripe.

The Predicted Signs of the Present Age, Lk 21:5-11

This chapter is known as the Olivet Discourse. It deals with three great subjects that lay out in the future when they were predicted by Jesus.

1. The destruction of Jerusalem Temple: The disciples admired  the temple’s beauty (v.6-7; cp. Mt 25:2-3)

a. Jesus predicted the temple’s utter destruction

b. The disciples asked two questions          

          1) when was it to be destroyed: Jesus did not answer this question

          2) what were signs

Sign 1: False christs

Sign 2: Conflict of nations

Sign 3: Natural disasters

c. The warning: be not deceived

2. The Lord’s return (v.7; cp. Mt 24:3):

3. The end of the world (v.7; cp. Mt 24: 3).

Matthew and Mark’s account of what happens in this passage should be read along with Luke for a clearer understanding.

Thought: Jesus said, “The end will not come right away,” not yet. “Watch out that you are not deceived.” (2Chr 15:6-7; Jer 51:45-46; Lk 21:34; Phil 4:6; 1Pet 5:7)

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