Thursday, 2 August 2012


Gospel: Matthew 13:54-58: This is the carpenter’s son, surely? Where did the man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers.

I Reading: Jeremiah 26:1-9: The people were all crowding round in the Temple of the Lord.

The Messiah was Rejected in His Home Town:

Why Jesus is Rejected, Mt 13:53-58

Jesus was rejected by Nazareth, his own hometown, and threatened by Herod (Mt 14:1f); therefore he withdrew from Herod’s dominion (14:13). Luke says they were going to kill him (Lk 4:28-29). He wanted to do so much for them but he was unable to do anything, for they rejected him (Mt 12:53-58). The major reasons for their rejection:

1.     Jesus finished teaching the parables (v.53-54)

a.     He went to Nazareth, his own hometown

b.    He taught but they rejected him

2.     Reason 1: they did not understand the source of his wisdom and power (v.54-56)

a.     He lacked proper credentials and education

b.    He was from humble beginnings

3.     Reasons 2: they were offended because of him (v.57)

a.     Because he was of their own country

b.    Because he was of their own house

4.     Reasons 3: they did not believe him (v.58)

Thought: Jesus was rejected because people did not believe in him. Many judge others by their education, success, name, prestige, fame, heritage, social status, achievement, wealth, roots, position...etc.

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