Saturday, 25 August 2012


Gospel: John 6:60-69: Who shall we go to? You have the message of eternal life.

I Reading: Joshua 24:1-2. 15-18: We will serve the Lord, for He is our God.

II Reading: Ephesians 5:21-32: This mystery has many implications for Christ and his Church.

The Reason Some People are Offended by Christ, the Bread of Life, Jn 6:59-71

People are often offended by Jesus Christ. Four things in particular offend them.

1.     Jesus’ message was to the synagogue crowd in Capernaum (v.59-60)

a.     Many disciples were present

b.    They had difficulty accepting His message

2.     There is the idea of eating Jesus’ flesh and drinking His blood v.51-56 (v.61)

3.     There is the ascension and exaltation of Christ (v.62)

4.     There is the teaching that the Spirit quickens, gives life and the flesh counts for nothing (v.63-64)

5.     There is the fact that God saves man, man does not save himself (v.65)

6.     The conclusion: there were three responses (v.66-71)

a.     The disciples who turned back or forsook and deserted him because following Jesus involved the cross, which meant complete denial of oneself.

b.    The disciple who believed Jesus was the Christ (Peter and other disciples followed and believed in Christ’s message)

c.      The disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ (Iscariot Judas)

Thought: Judas was a “chosen” man, chosen not only to be saved, but to be a minister of Christ. Judas was called “a devil,” “slanderous, a false accuser (2Tim 3:3), an adversary, an enemy of Christ. Judas was a betrayer, a professed follower, but a hypocrite.

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