Wednesday, 15 August 2012


I Reading: Ezekiel 12:1-12: Emigrate by daylight when they can see you.

Gospel: Matthew 18:21-19:1: Do not forgive seven times, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.

The Parable of the Unmerciful servant: The Spirit of Forgiveness, Mt 18:21-35

How often are we to forgive a person? Christ answered this question in this discussion.

1. The spirit and practise of forgiveness (v.21-22)

a. Peter asked about forgiving a brother: is forgiveness limited?

b. Jesus answered: forgiveness is unlimited

c. Jesus illustrated: is like the kingdom of heaven

2. There is God’s spirit of forgiveness: like a king who settles his accounts with his servants (v.23-27)

a. All must give account

b. One is brought to him

c. The servant owes a huge debt

d. The servant is bankrupt

1) worships the king

2) makes a commitment

g. The servant experiences the compassion of a loving king: is free and forgiven

3. There is the servant’s spirit of unforgiveness (v.28-31)

a. He faces a fellow servant who owes him: in comparison a very small sum

b. He reacts severely

c. He reject the cry for mercy: refuses to forgive

d. he acts materialistically and selfishly according to law and justice

e. He grieves the other poor servants: they carry the matter to the Lord

4. There is the great day of accounting (v.32-34)

a. two bases of judgement

1) God’s forgiveness: offered in Christ

2) The servant’s wickedness: he lacks compassion and mercy

b. The judgement

1) The Lord’s anger

2) The Lord’s justice: the man was condemned and punished

5. There is the point: an unforgiveness person will be judged (v.35)

Thought: Two things are extremely detestable to God and arouse His anger: not believing Him and not being compassionate and merciful nor loving and forgiving toward others.

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