Monday, 20 August 2012


Gospel: Matthew 19:16-22: If you wish to be perfect, sell what you own and you will have treasure in heaven.

I Reading: Ezekiel 24:15-24: Ezekiel is to be a sign for you. You are to do just as he has done.

The Rich Young Ruler: How a Rich Man Enters the Kingdom of Heaven, Mt 19:16-22

The Lord’s approach to this young man has often seemed perplexing. There are two reasons for the perplexity.

1.     The young man asked how he might receive eternal life. Jesus said nothing about believing but told the young man to keep certain laws.

2.     The second perplexity is shocking. Jesus told the young man that he had to sell all that he had and give it to the poor in order to receive eternal life. The question immediately arises, does Christ really demand that a person give all he is and has in order to be saved?

These facts are puzzling. Eventually Christ led the young man through the steps that are needed to receive eternal life.

1.     Step 1: seek eternal life (v.16)

a.     Approach Jesus Christ

b.    Confess your need

2.     Step 2: know that God alone is good (v.17)

a.     The wrong concept of man’s nature: man is good

b.    The right concept: God alone is good

3.     Step 3: obey the commandments (v.18-20)

a.     The commandments dealing with our neighbour: especially needed by the rulers and the rich of the world

b.    The wrong concept of God’s law: a tragic sense of self-righteousness

4.     Step 4: Give all you are and have to Jesus Christ (v. 21-22)

a.     Results: we receive heaven and treasures in heaven

b.    Rejection

1)    Unbelief (v.17)

2)    Self-righteousness (v.20)

3)    Love of world (v.21)

Thought: The rich young ruler failed in two areas:

1.     He failed to face the reality of man’s nature and the way of an imperfect world (Rom 3:10-20)

2.     He failed to understand that Jesus Christ was more than a great and good man (Mt 19:17)

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