Tuesday 14 February 2012

Wednesday: 6th Week in Ordinary Time-B:
I Reading: James: 1:19-27: You must do what the Word tells you, and not just listen to it.
Gospel: Mark 8:22-26: He was cured and he could see everything plainly and distinctly.

The Necessity for Caring

The story of this blind man is told by Mark alone. The major trust is care-caring for all involved. Jesus experienced deep feelings all throughout the event. He was concerned and anguished over all the suffering and hurting of everyone involved. And through the whole experience, Jesus was teaching his followers to care deeply.

1.     Jesus cared for the man’s friends (v.22)
2.     Jesus cared for the man’s handicap (23)
3.     Jesus cared for the man’s beliefs (23)
4.     Jesus cared for the man’s need enough to keep after it (24-24)
5.     Jesus cared for the man’s family (23)

Thought: This is a strong lesson on intercession. We are to care enough to bring people to Christ and to pray (beg) for Christ to heal them (especially the needy, poor, sufferings, sick, handicapped, orphans etc...). Sensitivity to a person’s family is essential. The feelings and hopes of family members matter greatly.

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