Saturday 22 September 2012


Gospel: Mark 9:30-37: The Son of Man will be delivered. If anyone wants to be first, he must make himself servant of all.

I Reading: Wisdom 2:12.17-20: Let us condemn him to a shameful death.

II Reading: James 3:16-4:3: Peacemakers, when they work for peace, saw the seeds which will bear fruit in holiness.

The Second Prediction of Death: Intensive Training in the Death of Christ, 9:30-32

The thrust of this passage is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus drilled the truth of His death and resurrection into His disciples. It is absolutely essential that every person grasp the death and resurrection of Jesus.

1. The preparation: Jesus got along his disciples (v.30)

2. The lesson: Jesus taught his disciples that he was to die and arise (v.31)

3. The response: The disciples rejected what they did not wish to see

The Disciples’ Terrible Ignorance of Messiahship:

A Problem of Ambition, 9:33-37

The disciples were thinking that who would hold the highest position (for recognition and position) in the kingdom of Jesus. It is nice to have a good ambition for the highest gifts or good or service.

1. Jesus returned to Capernaum (v.33)

a. The disciples argued

b. Jesus questioned what they were arguing about

2. Ambition can shame (v.34)

3. Ambition needs instruction (v.35)

4. Ambition is a virtue, but it must be directed toward the right goal: to serve (v.35)

5. Ambition for service proves a person’s discipleship (36-37)

a. The Illustration: welcoming a child

b. The lesson: proves one’s discipleship

          1) Proves one has received Christ

          2) proves one has received God

Thought: Ambition that leads to argument and division is wrong. It must be based on service and highest gifts.

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